Yahoo7 announces commercial launch of Tumblr

Australian brands can now leverage Tumblr's content creation and social sharing capabilities to help drive greater engagement
Tumblr CEO David Karp and Yahoo7 CEO Ed Harrison joining forces at their joint launch night in Sydney

Tumblr CEO David Karp and Yahoo7 CEO Ed Harrison joining forces at their joint launch night in Sydney

Yahoo7 announced the commercial launch of Tumblr in Australia and New Zealand, with Woolworths, Telstra, Monash University and Studio Canal already on board as launch partners.

Following the global acquisition of Tumblr by Yahoo Inc in 2013, Australian brands can now leverage the platform's content creation and social sharing capabilities to help drive greater customer engagement with different audiences. Brands can tell their story using Tumblr’s seven different post types, including videos, GIFs, images, audio and more.

"Millions of Aussies have already made Tumblr their home – sharing their voice, exploring their identities, passions, and fandoms. I’m so excited to finally have a team on the ground to support this community and bring Australia’s biggest brands into the fold," Tumblr's CEO and founder, David Karp, said.

Yahoo7 CEO, Ed Harrison, said the partnership gives Australian advertisers a new way to connect with audiences on Tumblr.

"We already have one of the largest networks in Australia and Tumblr will only strengthen this, offering advertisers even greater reach and access to younger, passionate, and engaged audiences,” he said. “Tumblr offers the best of two online worlds; combining the creative control of a traditional website with the active audience of a social platform. Tumblr's users are actively seeking out content that inspires and entertains them, opening the doors for brands to be more creative and tell their story in new and more authentic ways.”

Alongside launch partners, Yahoo7 will also be launching its own brands on Tumblr, with Home & Away, Yahoo7 Entertainment, Dancing with the Stars and 7News Raw showcasing new and exclusive content via dedicated Tumblr profiles.

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