
Is your Voice of Customer program disruptive enough?

Experts discuss how a successful VoC program can significantly improve customer experience and drive business value

A great Voice of the Customer (VoC) program plays a pivotal role in improving customer experience and creates greater empathy among employees. But what does it take to get it right?

We speak to marketing, customer experience and technology experts about what it takes to create and integrate a comprehensive VoC approach in your marketing mix and how such programs can be a disruptive force to contend with in today’s competitive landscape.

While successful VoC programs are centrally organised, they fundamentally rely on the participation of all stakeholders up and down the hierarchy to succeed. According to a Forrester report released in April, The Top 10 Voice of the Customer Program Questions Answered, employees across an organisation need to embrace the VoC to fully capitalise on it.

Training and education programs must also explain the value of VoC and provide a clear picture of what employees should do to act on it.

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